Financial support options for people experiencing family violence
Financial support and brokerage options for people experiencing family violence can be difficult to navigate. We’ve listed below options available for your clients, with the main eligibility criteria for you to consider. Financial brokerage options change, so we encourage you to check the availability of a specific brokerage each time you try to access it for your clients.
Overview of financial assistance options:
- Centrelink crisis payment for family and domestic violence
- Uniting Escaping Violence Payment
- Red Cross - Family and domestic violence financial assistance
- Local housing access point – Private Rental Assistance Program (PRAP)
- Womens’ Housing Limited/ Private Rental Assistance Program (PRAP)
- Family Violence Flexible Support Program
- Queen’s Fund
- Good Shepherd No Interest Loans
Centrelink crisis payment for family and domestic violence
The payment amount is equal to the maximum basic rate of the applicant’s current income support payment
- Already receiving income support from Centrelink
- Must have left your home, or the family member responsible for family violence, must not be living in the same home, or you were removed from your home
- Experiencing severe financial hardship
See Services Australia website for guidance on how to apply.
Uniting Escaping Violence Payment
Access up to $5000 for goods and services like removalists, bond and basics for a new home, or up to $1500 in cash. Available once every 12 months.
- Also receive casework support from Escaping Violence provider
- Experiencing financial stress
- Australian resident or permanent resident
See the Uniting website for more information or to apply.
Red Cross - Family and domestic violence financial assistance
Receive up to $5000, referral to a specialist family violence agency and support coordination for 3 months.
- Must be on temporary visa or have uncertain visa status (not available for citizens or permanent visa holders)
- Experiencing financial hardship
See the Red Cross website for more information or to apply.
Local housing access point – Private Rental Assistance Program (PRAP)
Access 2 weeks rent in arrears or 2 weeks rent in advance once every 12 months.
- Eligibility criteria:
- Rent is less than 55% of client income
- Financially disadvantaged or victim/ survivor of family violence
- Available for private rental only
To apply, contact client’s local Housing Access Point on1800 825 955.
Some Housing Access Points have an online application process, for example Launch Housing.
Womens’ Housing Limited/ Private Rental Assistance Program (PRAP)
2 weeks rent in arrears or 2 weeks rent in advance once every 12 months.
Eligibility criteria:
- A woman living in a private rental, who is at least 14 days behind in her rent; or
- A woman living in a private rooming house, who is at least 7 days behind in her rent; and
- Rent is less than 55% of client income.
To apply, contact Womens housing on (03) 9412 6868 or
Decisions are made every Monday afternoon, so it is important to call Monday morning. There may be flexibility if the matter is urgent, or your client is at risk of homelessness.
Family Violence Flexible Support Program
Financial support to set up or sustain a private rental tenancy.
Eligibility criteria:
- The Family Violence Support Program has specific detailed eligibility criteria.
- The client must be receiving support from a specialist family violence practitioner or similar.
It is best to confirm with the family violence support worker involved with your client on how to apply.
Queen’s Fund
Up to $350 per year for rent or other needs.
Eligibility criteria:
- Single women and their children living in Victoria, who are in crisis, distress or emergency situations.
To apply, you need to be a social worker or similarly qualified person to apply on behalf of a client.
You can submit an online application via the the Queen’s fund website.
It is available on the third Monday of the month (the second Monday in December).
Good Shepherd No Interest Loans
Up to $3000 no interest loan. Given this is a loan it must be paid back.
Eligibility criteria:
- Earn less than $70,000 (before tax) per annum for a single person or $100,000 if you have a partner or children; or
- Have experienced family violence in the last 10 years; or
- Have a health care card/ pension card; and
- Show you can repay the loan.
To apply, find a community service provider; or call Good Shepherd’s No Interest Loan team.
The content on the Workers’ Resource Hub is legal information for general guidance and not legal advice. The content on this webpage was last updated in August 2023. See full disclaimer and copyright notice.